A can of peaches - Funny Story

Friday, October 17, 2008

An elderly couple had been shopping at a grocery store, and the wife decided to steal a can of peaches. The inevitable happened and she was caught. Upon her court date, the judge asked her what she had stolen.

"Your Honor, I stole a can of peaches."

The judge replied, "How many peaches were in the can?"

She said, "Six."

The judge then said, "I will sentence you to six days in jail."

Her husband stood up behind her and replied, "Your Honor, she also stole a can of peas."

Funny Story

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Someone's reporting our activities
our master

Celebrity Spotlight - Charlize Theron

Charlize Theron born in Benoni, South Africa the daughter and only child of Charles and Gerda Theron, was born on born August 7, 1975.

At the age of 16, Theron traveled to Milan, Italy, on a one-year modeling contract, after winning a local competition. She went to New York with Pauline's Model Management. She decided to remain after her contract ended, attending the Joffrey Ballet School, where she trained as a ballet dancer. A knee injury closed this career path when Theron was 19.

Unable to dance, she went to Los Angeles. During her early months there, she went to a bank to cash a check her mother had sent her to help with the rent. When the teller refused to cash it, Theron immediately started into a shouting match with her. Afterwards, a talent agent in line behind her handed her his business card and subsequently introduced her to some casting agents and also an acting school.

She was cast in her first film part, a non-speaking role in the film Children of the Corn III. Her career skyrocketed in the late 1990s with box office successes like- The Devils Advocate, Mighty Joe Young, The Cider House Rules. Theron starred as the serial killer Aileen Wuornos. Film critic called it "one of the greatest performances in the history of the cinema. For this role, Theron won the Academy Award for Best Actress.

The following is Theron's dating tree -

All pictures on this site are the property of their respective owners and have been gathered from sources across the internet. These images are believed to be in the public domain. If you own the copyright of an image please inform us and we will remove the pictures from our blog. Some of the information is obtained from Wikipedia.

Woman, Dating, and Books

Saturday, October 11, 2008

If not all, most women (myself included) loved to read romantic books at any point in our lives. Some more than others, but we all have done this. Well ladies, there is something getting damaged because of this habit. Our dating life, marital relationship, and even the life as a single woman! Do you know why? Because the more, we read about wonderful men who rescued a woman in need, etc. the more we desire to have such a man.

We tend to believe that we will find that "purrrfect man" who will understand each one of our needs and will always know what to do in any given situation. You may say, "Well, I know this can never happen, why would I need you to tell me that?" Because, we do believe this! We do desire and wish for our man to be able to understand everything and most of all to be our bodyguards and heroes. I know, I want that also. But it is not real, and that doesn't make men bad, or less interesting; it just makes them human.

I am not against romantic books... God knows I used to love them! But we have to be down to earth when it comes to our real-life man. Ladies, the books are fun, but sharing your life with a wonderful inperfect man, it's just magnificent. Don't endanger your love life with fantasy, get yourself a real life romance.

Good Luck To You! - By: L.A.

Remember to comment on the post you like, and even when you don't! We will appreciate your comments.

Feng Shui For Dating

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

So lets see, you had a make over, you tried changing your habits, you learnt a new language, you even visited Madam Muamo's tarot reading service across the street but still no luck with lady-love. So lets get to the facts - you’re having difficulties dating, why not use what the Chinese have been using for centuries – Feng Shui.Well I don't know if the Chinese applied this in the field of dating but again why would you care if it works.

The first thing you want to do is to find the relationship areas of your home. Now, there are various types and styles of Feng Shui, so you can find different answers to this area’s location. But your bedroom is a good place to start (ofcourse which other area of the house has the highest concentration of love making).

This is generally considered to be the seat of your love energy. To help inspire new love, make sure you’re not cluttering up your space and that your bed is large enough to accommodate two people (I dont know why someone with single person bed will look for girlfriend... anyway). This doesn’t mean you need to sleep with people, but allowing the space for someone to be in your life eventually is going to help you increase your love energy.

In addition, make sure to remove any evidence of past relationships from your room, that includes all pictures, clothes, chocolate wrappers, hair pins anything that you were holding on to like a psychopath. This will help you to keep positive energy in the space, and it will help you begin to realize just how much possibility there is out there for you and for your romantic life.

Another good thing to do is to place pairs of things in your bedroom, just as you want to be a part of a pair – pairs of candles, photos, vases, condoms etc. These will all help you begin to pull in more love energy. Please dont put condoms that was a joke.

After you comply to the above requirements - give it a week, if nothing happens, wait for our next post.

Picture Story- Funny

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"My Hero, my..... uppss!!!"

Historia de un hombre fiel

Yo estaba muy feliz!!, Mi novia y yo habiamos andado por mas de un año, y decidimos casarnos. Mis padres nos ayudaron en toda forma posible, mis amigos me apoyaban. Y mi novia era un sueño. Solo habia una cosa que me molestaba mucho, y era la mejor amiga de ella. Era inteligente y sexy, y a veces flirteaba conmigo, lo que me consternaba.

Un día, la amiga de mi novia me hablo por teléfono y me pidió que fuera a su casa a ayudarle con la lista de los invitados a la boda. Así que fui para allá. Ella estaba sola, y cuando llegue, me susurró que, ya que me iba a casar con su mejor amiga, y tomando en cuenta que ella tenia ciertos sentimientos y deseos hacia mi persona, y que ya no podía aguantarse mas, y que antes que me casara y comprometiera mi vida con su mejor amiga, quería hacer conmigo el amor una sola vez.¿¿Que podía decir?? Estaba totalmente sorprendido, y no pude decir palabra.

Así que me dijo, 'Iré al cuarto, y si tu lo deseas, entra y me tendrás'. Admire su maravilloso trasero mecerse al subir las escaleras. Me levante del sillón y estuve así, de pie, por un momento. Me di vuelta y fui a la puerta principal, la cual abrí, y salí a la calle, me dirigía a mi carro. Mi novia estaba afuera!! Con lagrimas en sus ojos, me abrazo y me dijo, 'Estoy muy feliz y orgullosa de ti. Has pasado mi pequeña prueba. No podía tener a un mejor hombre como esposo!'........

Moraleja: Siempre deja tus condones en el carro!!!!!